Latest image:
Latest 3-hour loop: LARGE | SMALL Access ARCHIVES of base reflectivity images Radar Status Message from NWS Radar images from NWS ANNOTATIONS • City labels: Homestead (HST), radar site (AMX), Kendall (KEN), Coral Gables (COR), Miami (MIA), Miami Beach (MBC), Miami Shores (MSH), Hialeah (HIA), Pembroke Pines (PBP), Hollywood (HOL), Sunrise (SUN), Fort Lauderdale (FTL), and Boca Raton (BOC). • Square markers: select sites are marked with a small dark red square: Miami Int'l Airport (north of COR), UMiami (south of COR), NWS/NHC (west of COR), and Fort Lauderdale Int'l Airport (south of FTL). • Miscellaneous: Highways are drawn in gray; county lines in blue; 20-mile range rings in green, latitude/longitide grid in blue. The WSR-88D NEXRAD radar used here is located near Miami, FL ("AMX" on the map), and the images are generated from raw Level 2 data using only the lowest scan elevation available (typically 0.5°). Images are updated every 4-10 minutes, depending on the radar's scanning mode (or Volume Coverage Pattern, VCP). The chart below gives approximate delay times between the base scan and the image being updated. You can force this webpage to refresh as often as you wish (SHIFT+reload), but it will automatically refresh every 4 minutes unless you click "Don't Refresh". VCP SCAN (min) PROCESSING (min) TOTAL DELAY (min) --- ---------- ---------------- ----------------- 12 4 1-2 5-6 212 4 1-2 5-6 121 6 1-2 7-8 215 6 1-2 7-8 35 7 1-2 8-9 31 10 1-2 11-12 32 10 1-2 11-12 |