Ocean Heat Content

The Ocean Heat Content (OHC) is a quantity that describes the thermal energy stored in a volume of the ocean. The data presented here utilize the methology developed in the Upper Ocean Dynamics Laboratory at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School in the late-1990s (e.g. Shay et al. (2000)) which is based on concepts developed in the early 1970s (e.g. Leipper and Volgenau (1972)). The energy in a column of ocean is calculated from the surface down to the depth of the 26°C isotherm; thus, where the ocean is cooler than 26°C, the OHC is zero in this methodology. Details are available here.

OHC time series in the Main Development Region
OHC Anomaly time series in the Main Development Region

OHC time series in the Caribbean Sea
OHC Anomaly time series in the Caribbean Sea

OHC time series in the Tropical East Atlantic Ocean
OHC Anomaly time series in the Tropical East Atlantic Ocean

OHC time series in the Gulf of Mexico
OHC Anomaly time series in the Gulf of Mexico

Daily data files:
    - Main Development Region
    - Caribbean Sea
    - Tropical East Atlantic
    - Gulf of Mexico

Additional information and resources:
    - Univ. of Miami's Upper Ocean Dynamics Laboratory
    - NOAA/OSPO Ocean Heat Content Suite
    - Tropical Satellite Sectors


Created & Maintained by Brian McNoldy

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