The following are some current and prior research areas and relevant peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations:
- Tropical cyclone model simulations, diagnostics, and validation
- Rapid versus slow intensification of idealized tropical cyclones using soundings from reanalysis, Nebylitsa et al. 2025
- The vortex structure and near-surface winds of Typhoon Faxai (2019) during landfall. Part II: Evaluation of WRF simulations, Takahashi et al. 2024
- Modulation of tropical cyclone rapid intensification by mesoscale asymmetries, Nolan et al. 2024
- Evaluation of the surface wind field over land in WRF simulations of Hurricane Wilma (2005), Nolan et al. 2021a, Nolan et al. 2021b
- An evaluation of satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors (AMV) characteristics in tropical cyclones using TCI HDSS dropsondes, McNoldy et al. 2018
- Toward better simulations of hurricane winds in urban canopies, Knievel et al. 2018
- Assessing the accuracy of the cloud and water vapor fields in the HWRF model, Otkin et al. 2017
- A highly configurable vortex initialization method for tropical cyclones, McNoldy et al. 2013, McNoldy et al. 2014
- Diagnostics and verification of the tropical cyclone environment in regional models, McNoldy et al. 2012
- Creation of a statistical ensemble for tropical cyclone intensity prediction, Musgrave et al. 2012
- On the display of tropical cyclone model ensemble structure information, Musgrave et al. 2011
- HWRF performance diagnostics from the 2009 Atlantic hurricane season, McNoldy et al. 2010
- Statistical evaluation of the response of intensity to large-scale forcing in the 2008 operational HWRF model, DeMaria and McNoldy 2009
- Tropical cyclones and human perceptions
- Dynamic communication of weather risk: A user-centered design approach, McNoldy et al. 2024
- Exploring the impact of visualization design on non-expert interpretation of hurricane forecast path, Millet et al. 2022
- An interdisciplinary approach to evaluate public comprehension of the "Cone of Uncertainty" graphic, Evans et al. 2022
- Striving for improvement: The perceived value of improving hurricane forecast accuracy, Molina et al. 2021
- A cognitive-affective scale for hurricane risk perception, Trumbo et al. 2016
- Tropical cyclone data assimilation and OSSEs
- A study of the HWRF analysis and forecast impact of realistically simulated CYGNSS observations assimilated at scalar wind speeds and as VAM wind vectors, Annane et al. 2018
- Variational analysis of simulated ocean surface winds from the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) and evaluation using a regional OSSE, Leidner et al. 2018
- Impact of assimilating CYGNSS data on tropical cyclone analyses and forecasts in a regional OSSE framework, McNoldy et al. 2017, McNoldy et al. 2016, McNoldy et al. 2015
- Evaluation of the impact of CYGNSS wind speed data on tropical cyclone structure analyses and forecasts in a regional OSSE, McNoldy et al. 2016
- Observing System Simulation Experiments to evaluate the potential impact of proposed observing systems on hurricane prediction, Atlas et al. 2014
- Tropical cyclone inner core structure (eyewalls, eye)
- Tertiary eyewalls: Observations and boundary layer response, Abarca et al. 2014
- Observed inner-core structural variability in Hurricane Dolly (2008), Hendricks et al. 2012
- Spontaneous-adjustment emission of inertia-gravity waves by unsteady vortical motion in the hurricane core, Hendricks et al. 2010
- On the distribution of subsidence in the hurricane eye, Schubert et al. 2007
- Rapid filamentation zones in intense tropical cyclones, Rozoff et al. 2006
- Potential vorticity rings and eye subsidence, Schubert et al. 2006
- Triple eyewall in Hurricane Juliette, McNoldy 2004
- Vortical swirls in hurricane eye clouds, Kossin et al. 2002
- Tropical cyclone theoretical dynamics
- Shock-like structures in the tropical cyclone bounday layer, Williams et al. 2013
- Time evolution of the intensity and size of tropical cyclones, Musgrave et al. 2012
- Application of the concepts of Rossby length and Rossby depth to tropical cyclone dynamics, Schubert and McNoldy 2010
- A classification of binary tropical-cyclone-like vortex interactions, (supplement), Prieto et al. 2003
- Regional weather and climatology
- Increased nighttime land surface temperatures in a seasonally muggy climate, Muse et al. 2025
- A novel 75-year database and climatology of heat index values in Miami, McNoldy and Molleda 2022
- Dynamic adjustments to short-term NOAA tide predictions using a multiple linear regression model, Taminger et al. 2022
- Seasonal variability and trends of the Miami urban heat island, Kedzuf et al. 2018
- A high wind statistical prediction model for the Northern Front Range of Colorado, Lindsey et al. 2011
- Precipitation characteristics of the San Luis Valley during Summer 2006, McNoldy and Doesken 2007
- July 2005 Denver heat wave: How unusual was it?, Pielke et al. 2007
- North American monsoon
- Multiscale variability of the flow during the North American Monsoon Experiment, Johnson et al. 2007
- Diurnal cycle of sea surface winds and temperatures during the 2004 North American Monsoon Experiment, McNoldy et al. 2006
- An observational analysis of two Gulf surge events during the 2004 North American Monsoon Experiment, Rogers et al. 2005
- Gulf surges, the diurnal cycle, and convective outflows as revealed by the NCAR ISSs in NAME, Johnson et al. 2005
- The low-level circulation of the North American Monsoon as revealed by QuikSCAT, Bordoni et al. 2004
- Experimental fluid dynamics
- Design and construction of an affordable rotating table for classroom demonstrations of geophysical fluid dynamics principles, (supplement), McNoldy et al. 2003
- Sub-tropical anticyclones and stratocumulus regimes
- Surface winds, divergence, and vorticity in stratocumulus regimes using QuikSCAT and reanalysis winds, McNoldy et al. 2004